As regulatory requirements have evolved, new ozone-
based water treatments have emerged. And since
each ozone application is specific to water pollutants,
Air Liquide always conducts thorough pre-analysis to
determine the optimal ozone dosage for discharge limits
without side effects. We then perform sizing calculations
to design an ozone plant installation made up of three
1) Ozone production unit
2) Injection and pumping unit
3) Reaction and safe off-gas decomposition unit
Using our patented OXY INJECTOR-TURBOXAL system
or OXY INJECTOR-VENTOXAL system, the oxygen-rich
off-gas from the OZONATION UNIT can be recovered at
atmospheric pressure and re-used to make up for oxygen
injection in upstream or downstream biological basins.

Ozonation Unit
- STAND: 1.G21
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