AVC Sealing Solutions bv

Shrink Tunnels

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The AVC Shrink Tunnel at the end of the line optimally finishes the packaging process. In a Shrink Tunnel, the film is pulled tight around the product by means of heating.
Shrink Tunnels come in various dimensions and models: KT.500/1000/1200/1500. All AVC Shrink Tunnels can be used in combination with the AVC L-Sealers, Sleeve Wrappers and Automatic Packaging Machines. All AVC Shrink Tunnels are equipped as standard with swivel castors, so may be quickly used everywhere. Besides standard transportation with bars, the Shrink Tunnels may also be fitted with a Teflon-coated mesh belt. Although the specified models are produced in series, they can always be supplied with specific additional options in order to arrive at the very best packaging solution.


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