Jade Pack. We develop and produce board and paper for sustainable packaging.
Our products are used by many international food and consumer goods manufacturers. In cooperation with our customers in various industrial sectors, we develop innovative, economically viable and always recyclable product solutions. We ensure a reliably high product quality by a highly qualified team, by our technological lead in production as well as quality control according to international standards.
• Our customer base is international: cartonboard converters – food manufacturers – branded goods manufacturers – industrial companies.
• In product development, we cooperate on a project-oriented basis and in a spirit of mutual trust with our customers from various industrial sectors.
• We are part of an innovative, medium-sized group of companies with high supply reliability
Our fiber-based laminates for food packaging and industrial applications have a high recycling content at the core and achieve the required technical function with no or extremely low polymer input:
• Circular economy: in general, recyclability is a prerequisite for the development of our products
• Replacement of PE and PET by fiber-based laminates
• Minimal up to zero use of polymers to ensure necessary technical functions, use of ultra-thin monofilms in conjunction with water-based dispersions
• Consistent use of recycling paper and cardboard in the core of the products or on the non-food side

Jade-Pack GmbH
- 3.C15
- Packaging services, Packing, machines and filling technology, Primary and secondary packaging